
Low level static page generator, with simple API!

Why to use static sites generator?

There are many cases, when your website will be static and using dynamic pages framework like Django, Ruby on Rails, Flask, Sinatra would be a bit of overhead.

Why to write yet another static website generator?

Not really sure, yet!


Buzzy currently runs only Python 2.7.x and earlier versions of Python are not supported and Python 3 was not tested yet.

You can install it from PyPi, by simply pip:

$ pip install buzzy

A recommended approach would be to create a virtual environment for buzzy project via virtualenv before installing it.

Quick Start

Create a regular python file, copy paste the content presented below.

import buzzy

class StaticSite(buzzy.Base):

    def thing(self):
           yield buzzy.render.content("Hello world", "index.html")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Each render function created with buzzy needs to be decorated with register. This way buzzy will know which method in class should be called during the build process.

$ python build
2014-03-01 20:54:55,599 - StaticSite - INFO - build generated

Now you should have content inside your build directory, which will be called _build.

$ ls _build

$ cat _build/index.html
Hello world

You should see there one file index.html, and the content of this file will be ‘Hello world’.

$ python server
2014-03-01 20:54:55,599 - StaticSite - INFO - build generated
2014-03-01 20:54:55,600 - StaticSite - INFO - serving at port 8000

Go to your browser to, done!


buzzy.render.content(content, target_file)

A renderer class to create a file from a content.

  • content – content to put inside he file
  • target_file – name of the destination file
def view(self):
    yield buzzy.render.content("index.html", "hello world")
buzzy.render.template(template, target_file, **context)

A renderer class to render file from a template. jinja2 package is required

  • template – jinja2 template located in the TEMPLATE_DIR
  • target_file – name of the destination file
  • **context

    as many named parameters as needed, all will be put as a context inside the template

def view(self):
    yield buzzy.render.template("index.html", "index.tpl", text="hello world")
buzzy.render.markdown(source, target_file)

A renderer class to render file from a markdown markup. markdown package is required

  • target_file – name of the destination file
  • source – for source of the markup file
def view(self):
    yield buzzy.render.markdown("index.html", "")


  • BUILD_DIR, default = ‘_build’

    Build directory, where static page will be generated after executing build method.

  • INCLUDE, default = []

    List of files and directories that will be copy over to the build directory without any modifications.

  • TEMPLATES_DIR, default = ‘templates’

    Templates directory, jinja2 base template directory used with render.template.

  • SERVER_PORT, default = ‘8000’

    Developer server port, from which will page will be server after executing server method.

  • WATCH_EXCLUDE, default = [‘.git*’, ‘.hg*’, ‘*.orig’]

    List of files to be excluded from watch process. When watch command is called, the build directory will be reload every time when page got changed. This setting prevents from calling rebuild for some files. The BUILD_DIR is will be excluded as well.


  • build

    Regenerates the content inside BUILD_DIR

  • server

    Runs developemnt server. It will watch development directory, if files inside will get changed it will trigger build command.

  • Custom command

    By using @buzzy.command decorator you can register your own command

def mycommand(self):
$ python mycommand

Why yield

There are three main reasons why to use yield here:

  • yield is cool, and is overly underrated as python mechanism,
  • render function may call yield many times, which means that one function may generate more than one file,
  • yield is memory efficient, we are operating here on file contents in memory, yield will reduce some pain here.